Dr David Ayoub – Hidden Agenda and Stone Cold Certainty

1 Aug

In a world seemingly obsessed with celebrities and the status of famous people, each cadre of existence have their own celebs – even autism research has its own budding superstar league. The top ten elites probably command good money from conference fee’s and parental recommendations from the big forums on the Yahoo Group lists so it can pay to get to be an Autism Superstar.

Just outside the elites are the triers – the ones who never seem to reach the giddy heights of a Wakefield or a Rimland. For these guys, cracking the top ten can mean an endless round of strident press releases, foaming at the mouth invective and slightly less fashionable talking shops.

One of the newer ‘triers’ is Dr David Ayoub. He’s (fairly) new to the scene but already he’s caused a stir with a typically brash ‘triers’ entrance to the market.

David Ayoub – Autism Specialist

I first remember hearing the name David Ayoub on the website of Erik’s FAIR Autism Media where Ayoub is listed as the Medical Director. One would suppose that the Medical Director of an autism organisation that believes thiomersal causes autism would be an expert in either autism or maybe toxicology. In actual fact, Ayoub is neither. He’s a Radiologist.

David Ayoub, MD, is a radiologist at the Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, Illinois


So what does Radiology have to do with autism? Well, nothing.

What medical skills could Ayoub, as a trained Radiologist, bring to the field of autism? None.

No matter, maybe Ayoub has published some good science about autism or mercury?

Well, no – Ayoub MD, has (count ’em) five entries on PubMed, none of which touch on either autism or mercury. His last paper (on digital imaging) was published in 1997.

Whilst the irony of having a trained radiologist on the board of directors of an organisation that seems to think radiology is not necessary to diagnose Precocious Puberty is at least marginally amusing, what’s more amusing is the Ayoub Wikipedia entry. It’s written in breathlessly idolising fashion – headings are entitled ‘Track and field phenom’, ‘Science Prodigy’ and ‘Vaccine education crusader’. This is the online CV of a real ‘trier’, I think you’ll agree. Only a ‘Science Prodigy’ like Dr Ayoub could become Medical Director and ‘Vaccine education crusader’ at an organisation that specialises in subjects he knows nothing, medically speaking, about.

David Ayoub – Definitely Maybe

Perhaps Ayoub’s most famous contribution to the autism = thiomersal debate is his vanity piece written by Evelyn Pringle. Entitled David Ayoub – Thimerosal Definite Cause Of Autism, this article seemed to say a lot but actually said nothing at all beyond the title. Let’s not beat around the bush here. Just like Brad Handley, David Ayoub is stating that thiomersal _definitely_ causes autism. Pretty strong words. Let’s take a look beyond the title of the article though and see what the man himself says to back that up.

Well, the short answer is (of course) nothing. The longer answer starts off with:

I can state that the certainty of the science supporting mercury as a major cause of autism is probably more overpowering than the science behind any other disease process that I studied dating back to medical school.

This is the same science, formulated by the same scientists, that was recently rejected by a court Daubert hearing don’t forget. And not rejected by some legal trickery, but rejected as it was crap.

But David Ayoub, the ‘Science Prodigy’ can state that the same science is ‘certain’ and is ‘more overpowering than the science behind any other disease process’ that Ayoub has studied since medical school.

Possibly a good time to remind ourselves that David Ayoub is a radiologist with five papers to his name, none of which concern disease process, let alone autism or toxicology. I think its safe to assume that the last time Ayoub studied disease process was actually in medical school. I also think it’s safe to assume that Ayoub’s ‘certainty’ might very well be all the evidence the more credulous amongst us might need but I’m far from impressed at Ayoub’s experience, qualifications and bombastic pomposity.

But Ayoub isn’t done yet. The ‘Science Prodigy’ has more stone cold certainties to lay on us:

A growing number of experimental, epidemiological and biochemical research, has unequivocally shown that mercury is directly linked to the development of autism spectrum disorders

They have? Maybe someone could point these out to me? I seem to have missed them. Somewhere along the line I think our ‘Vaccine education crusader’ has concentrated more on the crusading than the research.

I really don’t see the need for more research to prove causality.

Well, of course he doesn’t – did he ever? The whole of the mercury militia have never been overly concerned with trifling matters like research to back up their beliefs. That’s why all the accumulated science to date was thrown out of court and will, barring fresh evidence, continue to be thrown out of court.

Next up in Evelyn’s little thumb nail sketch:

Ayoub is the Director of the Prairie Collaborative for Immunization, an organization that is self-funded, which aids organizations, journalists, and legislators obtain accurate information to assist their work.

Obtain accurate information eh? I really, really doubt that.

So, let’s go see what the Prairie Collaborative thinks is accurate information. Well, under the heading ‘Science’ we have ‘papers’ from Bradstreet, Bernard, Holmes and LOTS from (you guessed it) Geiers. Even Ken Stoller pops up, bless his HBOT heart. So this dross is the ‘accurate information’ that ‘unequivocally’ shows that ‘mercury is directly linked to the development of autism spectrum disorders’. It’s a roll call of the scientists and science that the recent RhoGAM hearings threw out as being rubbish.

He also links to the 2005 DAN Consensus paper – you know the one – it begins with:

This monograph is not intended as medical advice. Its intention is solely informational and educational. Please consult a qualified medical or health professional if you wish to pursue the ideas presented.

Nothing fills you with confidence as much as a strongly worded, legally enforceable medical disclaimer eh?

Recently, David Ayoub has been on a media frenzy. Flushed with the promise of cracking the elite top ten, he’s been commenting on news sites and to reporters left right and centre.

David Ayoub – Darling of the Press

After the killing of Katie McCarron, David Ayoub was revealed as a confidant of Karen McCarron, Katie’s killer.

Dr David Ayoub said he met with Karen McCarron shortly after her daughter was diagnosed with autism.

“She was very dedicated to trying to get treatment for her daughter,” Ayoub said. “I’ve met with a lot of parents who are dealing with autistic children, and she was one of the most loving mothers. This is a story that’s been played over and over again. Homicide, suicide. The families just don’t have the support”

David Ayoub was very vocal on how much of a tragedy this was for poor ‘loving mothers’ like Karen McCarron. Oddly, he had no words of compassion for Katie herself, Katie’s sister, Katie’s Dad, Katie’s Grandparents, Katie’s Uncle and Aunts, her friends or her teachers all of whom had to live with David Ayoub’s barely concealed plea for services.

As a side note, I see today that Karen McCarron’s lawyers are considering an insanity plea. I strongly urge those representing Katie to contact David Ayoub as, based on the above quote, he can easily testify to Karen McCarron’s loving and dedicated nature. That should be enough to establish she was far from insane. I’m sure as a ‘Science Prodigy’ his opinion will carry much weight.

As recently as last month, David Ayoub was again demonstrating his ‘Science Prodigy’ status in a news blog in answer to a Doctor who doesn’t believe the MMR/thiomersal hypothesis. Displaying his keen sense of ethics and science, Ayoub began with:

Dr Ehmke’s comments about parents concerned with vaccine safety is an insult to anyone with any knowledge of the science surrounding this debate. His letter was filled with misinformation, errors and just plain foolish dribble.

Well, no actually Dr Ayoub. What’s actually insulting is your own rabid insistence in the face of no actual _evidence_ , let alone proof, that thiomersal or MMR cause autism.

Ayoub then pointed out Ehmke’s sole error:

MMR vaccine never contained thimerosal. This blunder set the tone for the rest of his letter.

Interesting. Possibly no one told Boyd Haley or Liz Birt this little fact.

I have been working with Boyd Haley since September 2000 who testified at the recent Congressional hearing. Your source is incorrect. I have Boyd’s testing results and there is mercury in MMR. He did not find as much as what was in Hib, Hep B and DTaP. However, IT IS THERE.

I guess we can await Dr Ayoub’s denouncement of Boyd Haley as a foolish dribbler with interest. Other gems from that piece include:

The epidemiological studies refuting the claim of a link to vaccine mercury have all been refuted as flawed studies.

There are at least 4 published papers that demonstrated autistic children have a lower, genetically determined ability to eliminate mercury due to lower levels of glutathione

There are hundreds of physicians breaking rank with their own organizations such as the AMA and AAP and admitting that mercury in vaccines was indeed a major cause of a variety of developmental disorders

I would discourage parents from having too much trust in what their pediatrician will tell them

Basically, its a (poorly formatted) rant based on nothing more that our resident ‘Science Prodigy’s’ belief in his pet hypothesis. There’s no actual science in there at all.But what turns a respectable radiologist, just beginning a career in his field and a career as a published scientist in his field into a what we see – an absolutist who’s stone cold certainty based on no decent science has led him to his current position as Medical Director of two organisations widely regarded as anti-vaccine in agenda?

David Ayoub – A Hidden Agenda?

On the 3rd of January of this year David Ayoub was a guest on Radio Liberty. Radio Liberty is an online radio station that specialises in talkshows about fringe conspiracy theories. Other interview subjects that month included John De Jacomo who gave a talk on:

The prophetic significance of world events today. People are looking for peace; will this usher in globalism – or pave the way for the reign of the anti-Christ?

And Caryl Matrisciana who addressed the burning issue:

The Chronicles of Narnia movie is being touted as a great Christian movie. Is there a possibility that the New Age is being dressed in Christian clothing?

Fascinating, relevant and deeply scientific questions, I think you’ll agree.

So what was our ‘Science Prodigy’, Dr David Ayoub there to discuss?

Linking mercury in vaccines to global population control.

Unfortunately, I can’t find an mp3 of this interview anywhere but believe me, I would _love_ to hear David Ayoub’s thoughts as a ”Vaccine education crusader’ on how vaccines are used to control the global population. Maybe he could upload this interview to the Prairie Collaborative site in order to aid ‘organizations, journalists, and legislators obtain accurate information’ about how vaccines are used to control the global population.

Now, being an avid fan of nutty conspiracy theories I thought I’d check out Erik’s others friend’s (John Scudamore) website (whale.to) to see what I could find about the global population control theory.

Well, its not good news I’m afraid. Apparently, the global population are Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300. They’ll get us like so:

Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the “excess population” process we know of today as Global 2000.

To cause, by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call “useless eaters”. The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title “Global 2000 Report” and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050

Not good. But it seems that as long as I _don’t_ go to America and I _do_ have a job, I’ll be safe from the Illuminati! Hurrah!!

Evidently, Dr David ‘Science Prodigy’ Ayoub believes that vaccines are yet another weapon in the vast, nefarious arsenal that the Illuminati can bring to bear on us. Eeeek!

What Happened to Dr David Ayoub?

At some point, David Ayoub clearly stepped off the mainstream science path and started his journey into conspiracy theory driven belief. That’s fine as far as it goes. He can believe whatever the hell he likes.

What’s not fine though is how his attempts to see through his global population control anti-vaccine agenda have latched onto autism. He deals in unverified absolutes and needs to be thought of in the context of what he really is – an antivaccinationist with a disturbing set of political beliefs.

Jennifer unearthed a truly disturbing presentation from David Ayoub regarding his population control conspiracy theory. It’s an ‘interesting’ read!

37 Responses to “Dr David Ayoub – Hidden Agenda and Stone Cold Certainty”

  1. Joseph August 1, 2006 at 15:54 #

    Linking mercury in vaccines to global population control

    That says it all. And he was a confidant of Karen McCarron?

    Why does autism attract so many useless charlatans like this guy?

  2. Bartholomew Cubbins August 1, 2006 at 16:31 #

    “Why does autism attract so many useless charlatans like this guy?”

    An ill-defined condition offers opportunity for those who both scoff the scientific process and embrace the financial gain process.

  3. Joseph August 1, 2006 at 17:08 #

    ROTFL. Let’s not give the defense plausible ideas now.

  4. clone3g August 1, 2006 at 17:56 #

    If you listen carefully he is actually saying David Ayoub

  5. Jennifer August 1, 2006 at 17:58 #

    It looks like you can listen to David speak on population control from this site:


  6. Jennifer August 1, 2006 at 18:05 #

    And here’s a lovely (large) PDF file summarizing David’s wacky beliefs.

    He’s definitely gone over the edge.

  7. HN August 1, 2006 at 20:52 #

    From the large PDF slide show Jennifer posted:

    Page 8: [begin quote]
    IOM “independent” members
    . Merck Eli Lilly and other vaccine makers
    . WHO
    . Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    . numerous Med School faculty
    [End quote}

    I liked the nebulous “numerous Med School faculty”

    And then on Page 112: [Begin quote]
    The greater the lie, the more readily itwill be believed.
    Adolf Hitler in _Mein Kampf_
    [End quote]


    I only glanced at the slides, but he is a true loony toon!

  8. anonimouse August 1, 2006 at 21:41 #

    Oh. My. God.

    Ayoub is way creepy. I mean, that slide show’s got everything – references to the illumnati, wild conspiracy theories, Hitler references…John Scudamore would be in heaven.

  9. Notluminati August 1, 2006 at 22:17 #

    Kev brings the snark! Love it.

  10. apalled by Ayoub's stupidity August 1, 2006 at 22:24 #

    Ayoub puts an evil spin on the fact that various agencies were talking about population planning and birth control.

    There’s a place in North Africa called the “fistula belt” because so many teenaged girls get married (young teens) and get pregnant immediately, since they are still not fully grown, they are more likely to have very long labors trying to get a big baby out, the babies head will press on the woman’s nether regions until some of the tissues are destroyed. The baby usually dies, and the woman is left with a hole between her bladder and her vagina so that urine leaks out of her constantly.


    The women smell of urine constantly, the above story tells of a girl married at 11 and getting pregnant as soon as she entered puberty who somehow managed to have a surgery to repair the fistula in a hospital with flies buzzing around. In a culture like this, it’s probably much more helpful and effective to offer birth control than to tell everyone that women can not marry or have sex until they are 29, and then they can say “no” any time they want after that.

    Poor people need birth control! (They need food and housing and other medical care, too.) Rich people take birth control for granted. It’s not like there are methods of birth control easily available everywhere. If a normal woman marries at age 18 she could easily have about 12 to 18 kids before she enters menopause. That is if she doesn’t have complications that kill her. Not that all of the babies would survive infancy. Breast feeding helps to stall subsequent pregnancy and so does up and leaving your husband/boyfriend forever and swearing off of sex forever … but for some reason those are not considered options for most married women. It’s not like poor women can go get their tubes tied after 2 kids. It’s not like most are anxious to get vasectomies after fathering 1 or 2 kids, or even like vasectomies something that can be bought at the corner barber shop in every village on the planet. Part of the reason for having multiple kids is to have a couple of sons who will be alive when one is old, because there is no social security. Kids are desired to stay help the parents stay alive longer, for one reason. Providing social security pensions was listed as a way to reduce population growth, how insidious is that?

    How would Ayoub like to be a poor parent in Africa trying to feed the 11th baby? How would he like to see another one die of a vaccine prevantable disease?

    The mercury _malicia_ have a way of attracting weirdos and thieves. Ayoub is a real looloo trying to speed-slime his way to the top of the autism/mercury slime heap. But he’s a huge asset to Erik’s organization. With advice from Ayoub the Geiers Lupron video stays on Erik’s site, right? Doesn’t the Illuminati make Lupron? From pulverized excess Central American street children, right?

  11. Joseph August 2, 2006 at 00:03 #

    Doesn’t the Illuminati make Lupron?

    Ayoub’s slides are quite clear on that. Big Pharma is supposedly creating autism with one hand and curing it with the other.

  12. Not Mercury August 2, 2006 at 02:13 #

    I’ve noticed that Ayoub, Geiers, Handley, Best, Nanstiel, and most of the others, are all singing the same song with very little originality.

    Like they are all trying to be rockstars by recording “Wild Thing” or some other standard 3 chord cover tune over and over again.

    Come up with something new folks. The whole genetic susceptibility/glutathione/methylation thing is starting to sound like bad chelation karaoke performed in a non-native language.

  13. Gabesmom August 2, 2006 at 03:33 #

    Well, the U.S. government could save itself a lot of hassle and just make vaccines lethal to children. Giving kids autism seems like an awful waste of money and really doesn’t address the whole population control issue. It would be tons more efficient to wipe a good portion of the newborns out with that first Hep B shot- they could even target the poor folks by sending the lethal vaccines to inner city hospitals.

  14. Do'C August 2, 2006 at 05:38 #

    Fascinating post Kev. Way weird.

  15. Kevin Champagne August 2, 2006 at 06:20 #

    Isn’t it ironic how you attempt to downplay things that you label as conspiracies by using your own drummed up conspiracies.

    Go watch Dr. Ayoub’s lecture at autismmedia.org and refute what he claims are bogus studies. Studies that start to measure the level of mercury in the blood starting 5 days after injection, but not from day one. Why is that?

    Thanks for pointing out the Radio Liberty website, I just bought 2 lecture cd’s of Bill Sardi and one of Dr. Ayoub. Also, I would also like to thank you and NotMercury or pointing out the great service that Erik and Autism Media perform.

    I am going to make my third donation to Erik’s organization as soon as I am through here.

    Keep up the great work Erik!

    One more thing that I find a bit ironic, is how you folks attack Erik for using Lupron on his daughter because it has not been scientifically proven safe but you’re completely silent on thimerosal, a known neurotoxin that was injected into our children at very toxic levels and there is NOT ONE study to show that it is/was safe at even low levels.

  16. Kev August 2, 2006 at 06:52 #

    _”Isn’t it ironic how you attempt to downplay things that you label as conspiracies by using your own drummed up conspiracies.”_

    What drummed up conspiracies?

    _”Go watch Dr. Ayoub’s lecture at autismmedia.org and refute what he claims are bogus studies. Studies that start to measure the level of mercury in the blood starting 5 days after injection, but not from day one. Why is that?”_

    So your argument to determine David Ayoub’s stability and ability is to listen to more of his speeches. I don’t think so.

    _”One more thing that I find a bit ironic, is how you folks attack Erik for using Lupron on his daughter because it has not been scientifically proven safe but you’re completely silent on thimerosal, a known neurotoxin that was injected into our children at very toxic levels and there is NOT ONE study to show that it is/was safe at even low levels.”_

    Completely silent? I’ve said numerous times that I’m personally glad that its not in vaccines any more.

    The issue with Lupron is (just like chelation) not just safety but also efficacy. In order to scrabble to justify Lupron the Geier’s had to invent a fake review board, change their diagnosis mid-stream and misrepresent proper scientists work.

    If you’re personally happy with a conspiracy theory driven loon pushing forward your agenda then that’s your choice. And whilst you’re in a CD ordering mind frame Kevin you’ll also find some Geier stuff to order on Radio Liberty too. There’s some David Icke stuff on Google Video you can watch for free too.

  17. Kevin Champagne August 2, 2006 at 07:01 #

    The issue with Lupron is (just like chelation) not just safety but also efficacy. In order to scrabble to justify Lupron the Geier’s had to invent a fake review board, change their diagnosis mid-stream and misrepresent proper scientists work.

    That’s according to you and a bunch of self proclaimed blog scientists.

    And whilst you’re in a CD ordering mind frame Kevin you’ll also find some Geier stuff to order on Radio Liberty too. There’s some David Icke stuff on Google Video you can watch for free too.

    Excellent…, I will add that to my order! Thanks again Mr. Leitch!

  18. Ms Clark August 2, 2006 at 07:40 #

    I listened to Ayoub’s videos on Fairytale Autism Media. I noticed several really glaring errors in what he was reporting. He’s either lying to mislead his audience or totally doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. I’m guessing it’s the latter. He’s doing what Kevin points out, trying to be a rising star for the mercury brigade and the antivax crowd, both.

    Ayoub is feared by the illuminati as well as by the worldwide banking conspirators, that goes without saying. Bill Gates trembles at the mere mention of Ayoub’s name… the whole gambit has been uncovered by that heroic (strangely anxious to promote big pharma drugs) radiologist from Chicago.

  19. Ms Clark August 2, 2006 at 08:51 #


    a little bit more… Dr. David Ayoub is an “interventional” radiologist. Maybe he always wanted to be a _developmental_ radiologist or something…. 🙂

    It’s strange that the science prodigy peaked as a undergrad with that publication on macaque neurons in Science back in 1983, His other 4 publications weren’t nearly as prestigious. Maybe Ayoub started missing being on the center stage in Peoria or wherever, and is trying to get back in the limelight by whatever means he has available.

  20. Kev August 2, 2006 at 11:18 #

    _”That’s according to you and a bunch of self proclaimed blog scientists.”_

    Uh, no Kevin. The IRB is a matter of public record, as is the fact they’ve stopped referring to Precious Puberty and started referring to general hormonal issues and the scientists who’s worked they have misrepresented (Baron-Cohen) are aware of the misrepresentation and have responded.

    It’s all on Kathleen’s site. If you can drag yourself away from ordering CD’s I’m sure you’d happily educate yourself.

  21. Ruth August 2, 2006 at 12:23 #

    The reason early studies started checking blood levels at day5, not day 1, is that they were using methyl mercury as a model for ethyl mercury. It turns out, ethyl mercury has a much shorted half life. It is all in Burbacher’s paper, that none of the mercury mob seems to have actually read or understood. Burbacher says they misjudged how quickly the form of Hg in thiomersal is excreted. Methyl mercury can accumulate in tissues because it has a half life over 20 days. Ethyl Hg has a half life of 8 days.

    The concentration of ethyl mercury in vaccines was way below the no effect dose. When toxicologists determine a no effect dose, they add a safely factor of 10 or more TO PROTECT SOME WHO MAY BE SENSITIVE. Your side adds up all doses given to a child in 2 years, but the stuff is clearing the body in 8 days-the doses with not just add up arithmetically.

  22. anonimouse August 2, 2006 at 14:37 #

    Thanks for pointing out the Radio Liberty website, I just bought 2 lecture cd’s of Bill Sardi and one of Dr. Ayoub. Also, I would also like to thank you and NotMercury or pointing out the great service that Erik and Autism Media perform.

    Why are you spening money on that when you can get the same “information” at whale.to for free?

    You are not a smart consumer of conspiracy mongering information, KC.

  23. Do'C August 2, 2006 at 16:21 #

    One more thing that I find a bit ironic, is how you folks attack Erik for using Lupron on his daughter…

    I think you’ll find more attacks on the use of Lupron itself as an autism treatment by the majority.

    because it has not been scientifically proven safe…

    It seems more often attacked based on lack of sound premise for its use/experimentation in the first place.

    but you’re completely silent on thimerosal…

    I wrote this in a post, “I certainly don’t oppose the conversion of the very few remaining Thimerosal-containing vaccines to a Thimerosal-free formula as part of a reasonable plan, and I don’t think anyone would”.

    a known neurotoxin that was injected into our children at very toxic levels…

    “Known to be neurotoxic” at what levels? Any supporting science that it’s “very toxic” at vaccination levels?

    and there is NOT ONE study to show that it is/was safe at even low levels.

    Are there any studies that show that it is unsafe at vaccine levels (as you are asserting)?

  24. Joseph August 2, 2006 at 17:11 #

    KC: That’s according to you and a bunch of self proclaimed blog scientists.

    Could you confirm that you believe the IRB of the Hormone Research article might have been completely legit? Please elaborate.

  25. Brian Deer August 2, 2006 at 19:07 #

    Forgive my move off-topic, but I wonder if I might use kevin’s good offices to exclusively announce my latest award:


    It’s not entirely on a different planet to Dr Ayoub’s.

  26. Kev August 2, 2006 at 19:16 #


    I had a mouthful of tea but thankfully I swallowed rather than spat ;o)

  27. A. Carol-Stott-Fan August 2, 2006 at 21:09 #

    Is that her handwriting? /kidding

  28. Do'c August 3, 2006 at 08:24 #

    Hi Brian.


    I noticed that there is no year listed or expiration for that matter. Perhaps it should have been lifetime achievement award? j/k

    Great website by the way.


  29. M August 3, 2006 at 11:35 #

    I hope that’s getting framed Brian 🙂

    I always like it when people are labelled by their supporters as crusaders. “Really? You’re admitting that they’re carrying out a poorly thought out, poorly resourced campaign with an illogical ideological aim?”

  30. TheProbe August 3, 2006 at 16:39 #

    Kev, I must disagree. Ayoub’s comment, “I really don’t see the need for more research to prove causality” is absolutly correct.

    We know that there is no causality from mercury, so we should stop wasting the money on disproving the conspiracy wackos, and spend it on how to best help the kids and adults with Autism.

    BTW, I had some serious questions about Ayoub and was in the process of doing some background research on him, with the hope of having someone allowing me a Guest Blog. While I am disappointed in that, I am glad you beat me to it.

    Great job.

  31. Incognito August 5, 2006 at 13:12 #

    It seems with Mr. Deer’s “award” there’s a little typo that’s is about as glaring as “the grocers van” typo – the “A Andy Fan” typo. No guesses as to why it is wrong… simple English grammar – lol

    Congratulations Mr. Deer on your new award. Maybe it seems there are more headless followers in Wakefield’s camp than we thought…

  32. Infophile August 17, 2006 at 18:57 #

    I’ve gone and fixed up the Wikipedia article, taking out all of the blatantly POV stuff in it I could find. It could still use some work, but it’s a lot better now. (Such is the beauty of Wikipedia, if you find utter crap, you can clean it up yourself.)

    If you wish to view the article as it was at the time of this post, go here.

  33. Robodoon August 17, 2006 at 21:50 #

    Dr Ayoub Mercury, Autism and the global vaccine Agenda



  34. NephSpouse August 18, 2006 at 00:14 #

    What Happened to Dr David Ayoub?

    The answer to this question is obvious! He forgot that the flu shot still has thimerisol in it and went and got one and it’s causing massive brain damage!

  35. gary September 1, 2006 at 05:04 #

    if you’ve lived in Denmark, bright intelligent ..they figured out the Flouride prob..i am gonna say Denmark has it right..and say Ayoub along with Denmark has figured this one out..

  36. Kev September 1, 2006 at 05:51 #

    Thanks for that.

  37. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) September 3, 2006 at 16:24 #

    I like this bit on the .pdf file:

    ->An Investigator’s Notes:

    Se, maybe we could do some investigating…..


    By Ayoub’s reckoning, every autistic person, but maybe this would be every parent of an autie kid, who has been hoodwinked into paying for quack ‘cures’/products.


    Ayoub’s viewpoint would be that mercury/MMR vaccine was the means; for us it could be… qualifications and status, without the ethical wherewithall to support their proper use.


    Ayoub would say that Big Pharma is a prime suspect; we could name… Ayoub, maybe?


    Ayoub thinks there’s a conspiracy to control the world population (from the .pdf thing, it looks like he’s citing the GAVI lot as the mechanism by which world governments seek to kill people off by using vaccines); we could have as ‘intent’ the notion that autie kids are lesser beings than other kids, and so it’s okay to kill them… by whatever means you can find… it won’t matter, because there’ll be much public ourpouring of sympathy for the parents (because of the picture painted of autism as ‘worse than cancer’, ‘worse than death’, and so on)… and sod all for the kids. Ayoub was a ‘confidant’ of at least one mother who killed her autistic child.


    Ayoub says ‘Money’; we could say…


    Kev, did I pass my exam there? 😉

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