Books and Movies

Below is a list of books and movies that I’d recommend for various reasons. Follow the links to discussions here on Left Brain/Right Brain for more information on why.

The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
A book of essays on various subjects of autism. Essays by autistics, professionals and autistics.
Website, discussion on LBRB,

Making Sense of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Create the Brightest Future for Your Child with the Best Treatment Options
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ book for new parents. A good coverage of many topics, yet easily accessible for a busy parent.
Discussion on LBRB,

Following Ezra
A parent memoir about a father and his autistic son. Not your usual “fighting autism” memoir. Highly recommended for those who think that acceptance is about giving up.
Website, discussion on LBRB,

Defeating Autism: A Damaging Delusion
Website, Discussion on LBRB,

The Panic Virus
A history of unscientific thought where the autism/vaccine discussion plays a central role.
Website, LBRB Discussion,

Unstrange Minds
A book about a father and his autistic daughter, about autism as it is perceived today around the world, and how awareness and other factors have driven the increase in autism prevalence estimates.
Website, LBRB Discussion,


Loving Lampposts
A documentary about autism today where the film maker and his autistic son are part of the narrative. Interviews are shown with autistics, parents and professionals on topic such as acceptance, biomedical treatment and the vaccine discussion.
Website, discussion on LBRB, purchase,

A documentary by Alex Plank and Noah Trevino about autism in France, where perceptions of what autism is, what causes it and how it should be treated are, well, shameful.
Website, Discussion on LBRB

Hello Benny

5 Responses to “Books and Movies”

  1. brilliant post it was a really big help thx keep up
    the good work

  2. Steph April 24, 2016 at 04:37 #

    Matt are you Astroturf? You present many of the hallmark signs, although this site looks legit, I believe it’s probably very well funded by Big Pharma. Hmmm

    • Sullivan (Matt Carey) April 25, 2016 at 14:33 #


      What are the hallmark signs? Oh, yeah disagreeing with you and actually backing up myn comments.

      Ironic that someone using a pseudonym who is just here raising the noise level shouts AstroTurf. Ironic but predictable.

  3. Milka Ceha February 4, 2018 at 18:26 #

    can you list some documentary,book or other science that you are pleased with…according to your coments almost everything is junk science..

    • Sullivan (Matt Carey) April 1, 2018 at 18:18 #

      Why did you not even bother to read the page above?

      Seriously, The page is a list of books and movies I’m pleased with.

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