David Ayoub, Black Helicopters and Social Movement.

18 Aug

Someone posted a link to the Google Video of David Ayoub talking about his Illuminati beliefs on the other Ayoub thread I posted.

It’s truly fascinating. And let me be clear here. Not fascinating in a ‘hey this is plausible’ kind of way. Fascinating in a ‘back away carefully from the strange man’ kind of way.

Its an hour and thirty minutes long so you’ll need a good chunk of time if you want to watch the whole thing (recommended) but I thought I’d go through a few quotes first just to get a flavour of his beliefs out in public.

Of course he starts off with his usual insistence that thiomersal causes autism but where it gets interesting is when he starts to attempt to try and tie vaccines into a planned program of vaccination control. Towards the mid point of his talk, Ayoub introduces his audience to two ‘policy’ documents from Rockerfeller and Kissinger discussed in the mid 1970’s. They both express concern about rising international population. the second one Ayoub says:

…may be the most notorious document in the history of the United States…

It’s called the National Security Study memorandum 200 (Kissinger, 1974) and concluded that population growth could become an area of concern. To that end the report suggests a series of ways to try and encourage responsibility and yet the methods must also: _”not be coercive”_ – Ayoub says that they must not _appear_ to be coercive. And that individual rights must be emphasized – Ayoub sneers _”so they don’t know what they’re getting”_ at this point in his talk. He seems to think that a suggested policy that isn’t coercive and that emphasises rights is a good indicator of a conspiracy. Not sure how.

So what methods did Kissinger’s report suggest? According to Ayoub:

reproductive health was ‘piggybacked’ to other general health issues so they can take that pill of poison and it looked from some angles not like poison

What other general health issues specifically? Well, sex education (abortion, condoms), improved health, women’s rights, day care and improved social security. Damn these people are evil!!!!

Yes that’s right, David Ayoub believes that the women’s rights movement is a governmental policy tool designed to reduce the population. He further believes that educating youngesters about unprotected sex is a bad thing and another policy tool. There’s definitely a tool around here. Not sure its this policy though.

Ayoub says that social security needed to be improved so that:

…you don’t need as many kids to help you when you retire…

He then says that _”these are the social issues we’ve faced for the last fifty years. They’ve come out of this document.”_ which is nothing short of miraculous given that fifty years ago (1955 when Ayoub gave this talk) the Kissinger report (1974) hadn’t even been written. There’s some more of that ‘science prodigy’ genius leaking through again.

He concludes that:

These were government issues under the guise of social movements…

So….what’s next? Apparently, Ayoub spoke with Lisa Reagen author of a piece on the vaccine/thiomersal hypothesis which mentioned that an IOM committee member was a member of GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation):

…she told me she had black helicopters flying over her house for three weeks after that…

Yeah. Right.

The ‘Black Helicopter’ conspiracy theory is a sub-plot of the New World Order conspiracy which is turn is:

In new world order conspiracy theories, everything significant is caused by a powerful secret group. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world.

And the Black Helicopters?

Black helicopters are part of a conspiracy theory, especially prevalent among the US militia movement, that claims that special unmarked “black” helicopters are used by secret agents of the New World Order and/or the Men in Black (men dressed in black suits claiming to be government agents who attempt to harass or threaten UFO witnesses into silence) preparing to take control of the United States, or for other nefarious purposes.

Seriously dear reader, I shit you not, this is what Ayoub thinks.

GAVI is an organisation founded by Bill Gates of Microsoft (Ayoub has a site on mac.com – I merely mention it as an amusing aside) to provide vaccines to developing nations. Obviously they are satanic for wanting kids to be prevented from getting communicable diseases.

Other evil-doers include UNICEF:

in *a* word….coercive population control, coercive reproductive, coercive abortion, coercive sterilsation….

*a* word David? That’s some word.

There’s lots more but frankly, I got bored of snorting tea out of my nose. This guy is not someone who should be associated with efforts to ‘educate’ people or children’s health. Now, where’s my black helicopter…?

34 Responses to “David Ayoub, Black Helicopters and Social Movement.”

  1. Catherina August 18, 2006 at 14:05 #

    *He further believes that educating youngesters about unprotected sex is a bad thing*

    well, so does his president, who chose to lie to American kids about protected and unprotected sex – clearly an agenda for *more* (teenage) pregnancies:

    Click to access 20041201102153-50247.pdf

  2. anonimouse August 18, 2006 at 14:31 #

    This isn’t shocking. What people have to understand is that this is how a lot of the anti-mercury/anti-vaccine crowd really thinks. Some of them might be better at hiding these beliefs in polite company, but if you really dig down into even the most “gentle” of vaccine opponents you’ll see significant elements of conspiracy theory. Even if it’s as simple as saying that “drug companies are buying off the government and the FDA to hide vaccine problems from the public.”

  3. Joseph August 18, 2006 at 15:12 #

    she told me she had black helicopters flying over her house for three weeks after that

    That’s hylarious. Worlds collide. I’m having an Art Bell flashback. Maybe thimerosal was the aliens’ idea?

  4. Ms Clark August 18, 2006 at 21:55 #

    Joseph, Everyone KNOWS that thimerosal was invented in 1920 by the Illuminati.

    They let those people practice medicine? I personally wouldn’t want Ayoub within 10 blocks of my child, not for any reason.

    The other thing that keeps popping up if you scratch the surface of anti-vaxism is white supremacism. Ayoub might not be one of those, but it’s not hard to find overlaps between the “Militia of Montana” and “Aryan Nations” types and the anitvaxers. They don’ wan the gummint a-forcin’ thayr kids to get unjected with them thar trackin’ deevahsus, everyone KNOWS that’s why they want to vaxunate our babies befor they leave the hospital! They want to track our babies with nano-sized microchips!! Never mind there’s that whole miscegenation thang. And them Jooz… well that’s a whole nuther thang.

    It is amazing to see people like the Imuses (who keep protesting that these parents are NOT crazy) and prime Illuminati suspects like Bob Wright getting pulled into this stuff.

  5. mercurios-vexed August 18, 2006 at 22:03 #

    Its not the black helicopters you have to worry about, it is the invisible ones, so small they can get in through the air vents disguised as mosquitos.

    You don’t belive it? well did you never see the fantastic voyage a fine documentary about the state of nanotechnology 🙂

  6. Ms Clark August 19, 2006 at 00:27 #

    Recently the Government decided to spray the area where I live for “mosquitoes” http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/14291623p-15127944c.html They flew planes and probably helicopters dropping “pesticide”. What do you make of this, mercurios? I’m confused. What do you bet that there will be a spike in then number of autistic kids born in this area 4 years from now??? It’s all a plot… the whole “West Nile Virus” thing, the whole “equine encephalitis thing” it’s all a PLOT! 🙂

  7. Gabesmom August 19, 2006 at 07:00 #

    One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry about this stuff. The first time I learned about this insanity was during a thread on a forum that I believe you participated in, Kev. One of the members postulated the theory that 9/11 was the result of a government conspiracy, siting evidence that the twin towers fell as if they had been the result of a planned demolition- a theory I was able to quickly refute. Then the discussion turned to the population control issue, and my mouth hit the floor, but now I’m certain where this garbage originated. David Ayoub is a paranoid narcissist, and anyone who believes him is an absolute fool, and he will ultimately be the downfall of any group associated with him. People with little or no knowledge of the science behind the mercury/autism theory may find it a plausible explanation unless and until they discover the other “theories” that many of these proponents also hold dear. Then, anyone with a shred of reason would have to seriously question anything tainted by this conspiracy wielding lunatic.

  8. Kev August 19, 2006 at 07:09 #

    Yeah I remember that one Gabesmom – I seem to recall it was a twin attack of those sharp intellects ‘dgdavies’ and ‘respect’.

    Didn’t they try and tie the whole thing to the thiomersal conspiracy theory in some way? Can’t recall.

    Here’s a bit more Ayoub scariness. I don’t think he wrote this letter but he clearly forwarded it on after receiving it himself – warning may contain nuts.


  9. mercurios-risible August 19, 2006 at 20:09 #

    Yep when them towers fell, it did look to me as if they had been felled as surely as the late Fred Dibnah felled a chimney or Michael Palin in womens clothes would have felled a tree.

    Each one actually fell differently because they were wounded in different areas. They were not well built to start with, that was the problem, all the strenght was in the skin, whereas many other structures have a much better distributed strenght.

    All that white stuff you saw flying about, that was asbestos, that if it had not been blown away would have offered some protection to the framework. Now what you really want to be worrying about is the legacy of that asbestos in Manhattan.

  10. Jim August 20, 2006 at 07:28 #

    Yikes — and i thought the Geiers’ apparent comments about how the autism “epidemic” is a threat to this nation (aka “Why do autistics hate America?”) were scary. I kinda hope those helicopters ARE flying over my house. Would make me feel a bit safer from the likes of these people.

    (BTW, Kevin, i think you might mean “…are satanic for WANTING kids to be prevented from getting communicable diseases,” in the reference above …)

  11. Nathzn August 20, 2006 at 10:31 #

    You people don’t get it do, anti-vaxxers are on the side of good, you the NWO doesn’t just put mercury in the jabs they also in put Uranium.

    Nero-diversity is lead by the illuminati who want to get enough autistics together ina massive conference ing New york or D.C. to trigger a nucluer reaction, the in the ensueing choas they will take over.

    That why there are so few autistics allowed in to autism societies

    that is the concept of Nero-deversity is such a threat.

    “You blew it all up! Damn them! Damn them all to HELL!”

  12. GMAC August 20, 2006 at 14:29 #

    I have decided to write a book about this whole mess.
    Well, not really, but I’ve at least come up with a catchy title if anyone else wants to actually write the book.
    Call it “The Duh! Vaccine Code”
    My teenage daughter worked at our local Planned Parenthood this summer in a semi-volunteer/paid position. Should I be wary of her possible brainwashing techniques? She truly enjoyed the job, as they were allowed access to a large cabinet of snack food in addition to the (obvious) joys of inflating condoms.
    Oddly enough, I have noticed a larger number of helicopters flying past this summer, but I like the sound of helicopters, so it’s cool. It always makes me hum the theme song for M*A*S*H and squint skyward a la Radar…..

  13. Ms Clark August 20, 2006 at 22:48 #


    Now you have told them why the nero-diverse are trying to gather themselves into that critical mass. Autreat and autscape are just the beginning, wait until we get 30,000 ND in one stadium!! Talk about your China syndrome! Talk about your “core autism”. Talk about your meltdowns!

    GMAC, The Duh Vaccine Code, very cute… now stop giving out our secrets. I’m sure the CIA are monitoring this… oh, yeah, the CIA *are* the illuminati, just like the ND. And don’t get me started on Bill Gates trying to make the whole world just like himself.

  14. Laurentius-rex August 20, 2006 at 23:26 #

    Helicopters Schmelicopters

    A police helicopter hovering outside my home features in “Terra Incognita”

    They did not know it when they flew up there that they would be part of my plot 🙂

    I have met David Icke, (before he went AWOL)

    he played for the Sky Blues after all.

    I have never met a US president mind, I narrowly missed getting on the press team when Clinton came to Brum, and was never invited when he came to my Alma Mater (and there were a lot of black helicopters flying round when he did believe you me)

    The real fun is when you shake hands with a mason and know more about the craft than he does 🙂

  15. Kevin Champagne August 21, 2006 at 07:48 #

    Dr. Ayoub talks a lot about Rockefeller University and The Rockefeller University’s bias and predetermined bought and payed for results!


    Isn’t it intersting that the Rockefeller’s who are now funding vaccine programs …who have written the Rockefeller commission report… they were basically involved with the research that… introduced mercury into vaccines… ?

    edit: edited incorrect outing of 3rd parties. Kevin – if you’re going to try and out people, try and get their identities right. Kev.

  16. anonimouse August 21, 2006 at 14:42 #

    And a double shout-out for illustrating that spelling is not Kevin’s strong suit. Nor is logic or rational thought for that matter, but c’mon, KC…”payed” and “intersting”?

  17. Kimberly Trayall August 21, 2006 at 20:02 #

    I hope Ayoub doesn’t catch wind of KC’s occupation:

    The aircraft most often involved in producing the chemtrails are Boeing KC-135s and Boeing KC-10s.

  18. who put the i's in illuminati? August 21, 2006 at 20:12 #

    Don’t pick on KC. It’s hard to spell correctly when the aliens and the CIA are trying to control your brain and that pesky tinfoil hat keeps slipping. Kevin Champagne, try the next smaller size. Gonna take your kid to Ayoub now? I’m sure he can give advice on the best chelator for your child. Maybe the Geiers? Lupron? Still seeing Buttar?

  19. Kevin Champagne August 22, 2006 at 01:56 #

    Dictionary.com –Past tense and past participle paid or payed

    The part of my comment that was edited was about the true identity of someone that comments here often and the university they are employed by. I do have the identity right Kevin.

    You would never edit someone commenting on myself or Erik or David Kirby and so on.

    You’re a real hypocrite!

    “Still seeing Buttar?”

    Just completed 5 weeks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Dr. Buttar’s office. Does that answer your question?

    You choose to attack Dr. Ayoub on a personal level, because you can’t refute what he has to say about autism or the many flawed studies that he talks about during his lecture on Autism Media?

  20. Kev August 22, 2006 at 06:13 #

    _”The part of my comment that was edited was about the true identity of someone that comments here often and the university they are employed by. I do have the identity right Kevin.”_

    No Kevin, you really don’t. Remember when you thought some bloke in Germany was Camille? How about when you claimed I was purchasing Yahoo ads? Sorry KC but the truth is that what you know about how the internet works might half fill the back of a stamp. As a prime example look at your link to AutismMedia. There’s a reason it ain’t working interweb genius.

    _”You would never edit someone commenting on myself or Erik or David Kirby and so on.”_

    I’ve edited myself – and plenty of other people – when things have gone too far. Outing people incorrectly is too far.

    _”You choose to attack Dr. Ayoub on a personal level, because you can’t refute what he has to say about autism or the many flawed studies that he talks about during his lecture on Autism Media?”_

    Ayoub is an idiot who spouts lunatic conspiracy nonsense – unless you believe that government agents employed to usher in a new world order and erase traces of a UFO invasion is a plausible hypothesis.. In terms of what he thinks about autism he sings from the same tired old hymn sheet as the rest of you and hence he’s been refuted many times already.

  21. Kevin Champagne August 22, 2006 at 07:50 #

    You’re a real piece of work Kevin Leitch. You should explain to everyone that my comment was delayed from being posted here by almost 6 hours. The link to Autism Media worked when I made the comment 6 hours earlier. You must have done some more creative editing.

    “I’ve edited myself – and plenty of other people – when things have gone too far. Outing people incorrectly is too far.”

    “Remember when you thought some bloke in Germany was Camille? How about when you claimed I was purchasing Yahoo ads?”

    I never claimed you were purchasing Yahoo ads, someone named Becky or something like that, accused you of the Yahoo ad thing and you then accused me of it. Sorry, but that was not me and there you go trying to out me for something that I had nothing to do with.

    What a hypocrite you are!

    Brian from Germany is not a patient of Dr. Buttar’s and if he still wants to make that claim I would like to give him a little quiz.

    “In terms of what he thinks about autism he sings from the same tired old hymn sheet as the rest of you and hence he’s been refuted many times already.”

    Blah, blah, blah!

    Just as I thought, you adon’t have the balls to take on Dr Ayoub when it comes to the facts.

  22. Kevin Champagne August 22, 2006 at 08:09 #

    Hey “interweb genius” your link to Dr. Ayoub doesn’t work anymore. “the truth is that what you know about how the internet works might half fill the back of a stamp.” I guess your knowledge of the internet fills the the front and back of a stamp but you can’t get your links to work either!


  23. Kev August 22, 2006 at 09:53 #

    _”You’re a real piece of work Kevin Leitch.”_

    Whereas you, my friend, clearly are not.

    _” The link to Autism Media worked when I made the comment 6 hours earlier. You must have done some more creative editing.”_

    KC, I have no need or desire to make you look even more foolish than you already do. You screwed up the link all on your own.

    _”I never claimed you were purchasing Yahoo ads, someone named Becky or something like that, accused you of the Yahoo ad thing and you then accused me of it. Sorry, but that was not me and there you go trying to out me for something that I had nothing to do with.”_

    No, that was you. As stated here. The first time you were suspended you tried logging on under numerous names but being the genius you are – didn’t figure on your IP address being the same.

    _”Brian from Germany is not a patient of Dr. Buttar’s and if he still wants to make that claim I would like to give him a little quiz.”_

    That’s irrelevant. You ‘outed’ him as Camille when he quite clearly wasn’t. Just like this time.

    _”Just as I thought, you don’t have the balls to take on Dr Ayoub when it comes to the facts.”_

    I’d be happy to. Should Dr Ayoub ever want to participate he’d be most welcome here. I know a few people who’d like to have a chat with David Ayoub.

    _”Hey “interweb genius” your link to Dr. Ayoub doesn’t work anymore.”_

    What link is that KC?

  24. Nathzn August 22, 2006 at 12:31 #

    Is anyone keeping a running tally of the number of times KC’s saying Hypocrite, or Hypocrote for that matter? 🙂

  25. Mike McCarron August 22, 2006 at 13:23 #

    Here we go again. Kevin finds something of interest, or what should be of possible interest. There are comments and then someone wakes up and says “one of the people from my movement (whatever that might be) has been exposed with his pants down”. Let me attack Kevin; throw in a few snide remarks and some personal attacks to completely divert the conversation.

    Look at the tape. Listen to the words coming out of the good doctor’s mouth. Do you stand behind what Dr. Ayoub is saying?

  26. anonimouse August 22, 2006 at 14:21 #

    You choose to attack Dr. Ayoub on a personal level, because you can’t refute what he has to say about autism or the many flawed studies that he talks about during his lecture on Autism Media?

    Since he’s saying that thimerosal causes autism, I can easily refute that – few credible scientistsy believe that to be the case, the government doesn’t believe, no medical organization believes it. There are no studies that prove in any way that thimerosal causes autism. Ayoub can prattle on about “flawed studies” and the Illuminati, but the reality is he…has…no…evidence that directly (or even indirectly) makes his case.

    What is so hard about that to understand?

  27. clone3g August 22, 2006 at 15:29 #

    Damn it MGD! Now you’ve ruined everything. No wonder one of my comments was delayed by 2 full days.

    hipocrides hippocrets hypocrats… Hippocrates !!

  28. Joseph August 22, 2006 at 17:23 #

    Just as I thought, you don’t have the balls to take on Dr Ayoub when it comes to the facts

    Let’s invite Ayoub to a debate of the “facts”. We could even make it a rule to keep out the black helicopters or aliens or the new world order.

  29. Mick Russom October 15, 2006 at 03:38 #

    To all those who love na worship poisonous Hg vaccines, why is trace mercury in fish heavily warned against by the FDA, and even the FDA recommended the removal of Hg:

    Quote the FDA (from the FDA WEBSITE, get it?)

    “FDA is continuing its efforts toward reducing or removing thimerosal from all existing vaccines. Much progress has been made to date. FDA has been actively working with manufacturers, particularly those that manufacture childhood vaccines, to reach the goal of eliminating thimerosal from vaccines, and has been collaborating with other PHS agencies to further evaluate the potential health effects of thimerosal. In this regard, all vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age or younger and marketed in the U.S. contain no thimerosal or only trace amounts (1 microgram or less mercury per dose), with the exception of inactivated influenza vaccine, which was first recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in 2004 for routine use in children 6 to 23 months of age.”


  30. Do'C October 15, 2006 at 05:01 #

    why is trace mercury in fish heavily warned against by the FDA?

    From the very same FDA document you cite:

    Methylmercury is more easily absorbed and is less readily eliminated from the body than inorganic mercury.

    and even the FDA recommended the removal of Hg

    They didn’t just recommended it, it’s been done.

    Additional info from the FDA: here.

    Read up!

  31. Kev October 15, 2006 at 05:34 #

    Mick – we’ll be sure to pass your sage advice and wisdom on to those who ‘love na worship poisonous Hg vaccines’.

  32. Ruth October 15, 2006 at 12:44 #

    A long-term study of children in the Seychelles Islands, where Hg contaminated fish is the main protein shows no neurological deficits. The kids actually do better on some components of a IQ test. Part of this is the protective element selenium is also in seafood. The EPA has set a reference dose of methyl mercury that is much lower than the FDA or the WHO. And all those numbers have a 100x safety factor calculated in. Run Tom Clarkson’s name in Pubmed and read some real studies of Hg in humans.

  33. Not Mercury October 15, 2006 at 21:03 #

    Don’t forget the Faroe Islands Ruth.

  34. Ruth October 15, 2006 at 22:48 #

    The Faeroe Islanders eat whale meat that has other toxins (PCB’s,eg) and the results are not so clear cut. The trace minerals in fish seem to have a protective effect, especially selenium. And the Inuit study shows that genetics plays a part as they eat Hg and toxin contaminated food, yet a survey found no autism. It is much too complicated to be defined as thiomersal=autism.

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