Michele Bachmann stands firm on her vaccine comments. As firm as someone who “has no idea” can be.

17 Sep

Some people never back down from a fight. It sounds strong, but in reality many of these people are fools. Never back down from a fight? There are times when a person is in a bad position, often of his/her own making, and it would be better for all to cut one’s losses.

Sure there are many examples of people unwilling to back down from a fight in the autism/vaccine discussion which we could point to. For today, let’s consider a relative newcomer as our case in point: Michele Bachmann, United States presidential candidate. Recently she made comments about the HPV vaccine. She gave a story of the HPV vaccine resulting in mental retardation.

Here’s the video of her speaking on the HPV vaccine.

“Could potentially be a very dangerous drug”

“It can have very dangerous side effects”

“There is no second chance for these little girls if there is any dangerous consequences for their bodies”

Ms. Bachmann held a fund raiser in the San Francisco bay area recently. One attendee wrote about the even in the San Francisco Chronicle Politics blog, an article GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann refuses to back down on HPV, slams Solyndra (VIDEO)

Ms. Bachmann is quoted:

On Thursday, Bachmann maintained she was making no claims regarding the drug this week, and that she was merely trying to underscore “an abuse of power” by Texas Gov. Rick Perry in mandating the vaccine for girls in his state.

“I didn’t make any statements that would indicate I’m a doctor, I’m a scientist, or making any conclusions about the drug one way or the other,” she said, adding she was merely relating the concerns of a woman who was “very distraught” and who supported her view that Perry’s actions were wrong.

Not a doctor, not a scientist. Where have I heard that before?

As to the rest of the statement all I can say is, really? And, not good enough. She made some strong statements. Is “”Could potentially be a very dangerous drug”” consistent with “not one way or the other”?

Here’s another video of her defending her statement, Video: Bachmann Asserts Right to Talk Nonsense About Vaccines:


She points out that Rick Perry admitted making a mistake. Like this is a bad thing. This is a time for her to follow his example.

She won’t even answer the question of whether she will apologize for the remark. Come on. Take a stance. Either you made a mistake or you didn’t. Either apologize or tell us that you won’t.

In short: Lead. You are running for president. Show leadership.

In a later story, from Yahoo News, Ms. Bachman adds a qualifier to her “I’m not a doctor…” statement: Bachmann: ‘I have no idea’ if HPV vaccine causes mental retardation

Yes, she “has no idea”.

“I have no idea,” Bachmann said, before repeating the story about the woman. “I am not a doctor. I am not a scientist. I am not a physician. All I was doing was reporting what a woman told me last night at the debate.”

I think the words she is looking for are, “I’m sorry” and “I made a mistake”. That would be leadership. Own your mistakes. Learn from the people in the vaccines-cause-autism camp. Well, learn from their mistakes. A big mistake you can learn from: don’t hang on to disproved ideas that are really out of your area of expertise. When you are shown to be wrong, admit it and move on.

6 Responses to “Michele Bachmann stands firm on her vaccine comments. As firm as someone who “has no idea” can be.”

  1. AutismNewsBeat September 17, 2011 at 02:10 #

    The only way Bachmann will admit she was wrong is if this story carries into next week’s news cycle. I’m disappointed that NBC Nightly News didn’t stay with the story after Dr. Snyderman weighed in.

  2. David N. Brown September 17, 2011 at 04:07 #

    Bachman’s comments are on exceptionally shaky ground even in comparison to other vaccine injury claims. Usually, a claim involves a condition commonly diagnosed in early childhood and an early childhood vaccine, in which case there is at least an indisputable correlation. But how many people are first diagnosed with MR after ca. age ten, when HPV vaccination is being recommended?

    David N. Brown
    Mesa, Arizona

  3. stanley seigler September 17, 2011 at 13:34 #

    discussing pro/cons of any pol’s position is an exercise in futility…they spin the facts…aka lying…tho;

    as a bleeding heart…believe in USA the DEMs are more on the side of science and the DD/autism community than GOPs…then maybe the earth is flat and 6000 years old…however;

    in USA-CA am still looking for a GOP frank lanterman.

    [sullivan say] let the public decide what to do with such a candidate.

    they just might elect her…president bachman…old saw (pogo) say: “we have met the enemy and it are us”

    the public cheered when someone said, let the person without health care insurance die…

    bachman might win in a landslide…well probably not

    stanley seigler

  4. stanley seigler September 17, 2011 at 18:54 #


    i have posted “the below” several times over the last few days…if appropriate please post this message and delete all previous…or advise if it’s inappropriate…


    stanley seigler

    the below:
    discussing pro/cons of any pol’s position is an exercise in futility…they spin the facts…aka lying.

    as a bleeding heart…i believe in USA the DEM’s are more on the side of science and the DD/autism community than GOP/TP’s…then maybe the earth is flat and 6000 years old…however;

    in USA-CA am still looking for a GOP frank lantern.

    [Sullivan say] let the public decide what to do with such a candidate.

    they just might elect her…president Bachman…old saw (pogo) say: “we have met the enemy and it are us”

    the public cheered when someone said, let the person without health care insurance die…

    Bachman might win in a landslide…well probably not

    stanley seigler

  5. Julian Frost September 18, 2011 at 19:26 #

    Orac posted a very funny video mocking Bachmann. When the actress playing Bachmann mentioned Jenny McCarthy I laughed out loud.


  1. Autism Blog – Michele Bachmann stands firm on her vaccine … | My Autism Site | All About Autism - September 17, 2011

    […] See the original post here: Autism Blog – Michele Bachmann stands firm on her vaccine … […]

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