Daniel Smith, proprietor of an MMS company, convicted

3 Jun

A few months back I wrote Yes, it may be illegal to sell MMS. It was about news and a DOJ press release (Four Charged with Internet Sales of Industrial Bleach as Miracle Cure). In short, members of company led by one Daniel Smith were charged with various offenses involving the import of materials, production of MMS and sale of MMS.

Mr. Smith has been convicted.  Here is the verdict form document.

In short, the document states that the following about six counts brought against Mr. Smith:


Count 1: Conspiracy.  Guilty

Count 2: Misbranding: Guilty

Count 3: Another count of misbranding: Guilty

Count 4: Another count of misbranding: Guilty

Count 5: Another count of misbranding: Not Guilty

Count 6: Fraudulently importing merchandise: Guilty

Per Consumer Affairs (“Miracle Mineral Solution” promoter convicted of selling bleach as a miracle cure)

In all, the jury convicted Smith of one count of conspiracy to commit multiple crimes, three counts of introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce with intent to defraud or mislead and one count of fraudulently smuggling merchandise into the United States.  The jury found Smith not guilty on one out of four of the misbranded drug counts. He faces a statutory maximum of 34 years in prison at his Sept. 9 sentencing.

MMS has recently become a fad “treatment” for autism, promoted largely by Kerri Rivera.  She has done so at the AutismOne parent convention (where anyone, it seems, can promote any fake cure as long as one claims vaccines cause autism and the “cure” is a treatment for vaccine injury) as well as her website, book and clinic in Mexico.  Also via skype for 100 Euros an hour.

Coincidentally, No More Bleach is reporting that Ms. Rivera’s online presence has gone largely offline.  I wouldn’t make too much of the coincidence.  One site (http://cdautism.org/) is up.  A facebook page is still down as of writing this (https://www.facebook.com/Kerririveracdautism).

The main promoter of MMS is a man by the name of Jim Humble, who heads a self-styled “church”.  The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.  Their website is up.  And includes this disclaimer:

– Disclaimer –
The protocols described on this site are official sacraments of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. The reader accepts 100% responsibility for any and all use made of any information herein.

Yes, they discuss how it heals so many things (it doesn’t) but disclaim any responsibility by claiming it is a “sacrament”.  If this weren’t being used on disabled children, I would consider hiding behind a church ( a fake church in my opinion) as being reprehensible.  But that act pales in comparison to the harm caused to individuals.

Mr. Humble not only heads a church and has invented a miracle cure that apparently does everything, he has also found a way to “reduce radiation to zero and create gold in the process”:

Zero Fusion and Atomic Alchemy ebook

Reduce radiation to zero and create gold in the process.

You know it had to happen sooner or later.

On the webpage for this eBook he states

Did I do it? Yes many times. I actually made gold and platinum and demonstrated it to Texas A & M University. But don’t check with them as they will refuse to admit that they every saw me or that they ever came to my Laboratory in Las Vegas, or that they assayed the precious metals right after my demonstration, but they did. Thirteen Videos come with this book free of charge showing actual demonstrations of all of the concepts given in the book. BUY THIS BOOK AND STORE IT AWAY. MANKIND MIGHT NOT BE READY FOR THIS TECHNOLOGY, BUT MAYBE IN 20 or 30 or 50 YEARS IT WILL BE NEEDED AND YOU WILL HAVE IT.

Why bring this up here?  Because–this is an example that the man is a believer in junk science.  Actually, this isn’t even in the same postal code as junk science, and not in the same galaxy as real science.  And yet people believe the “Archbishop” Humble, alchemist, invented a cure all (everything from brain cancer to diaper rash) and called it MMS?

To be blunt, Mr. Smith is not the only person whose actions on MMS are suspect.  I hope that the Department of Justice acts against all those selling this fake cure-all.

Mr. Humbles followers have not failed to notice that Mr. Smith wasn’t convicted of selling fake medicine.  On his public forum one can find this statement:

How curious, no charges that MMS is dangerous, only mentioned in the article, not in the verdict. What a stretch! Interstate commerce, victimless crimes? Where is the victim? There is no common law. There is no constitution. Jury rights are truncated. There is no justice in these courts!


Where are the victims?  The victims are people taking the medicine.  Sadly, that is not the crime.  If adults want to waste time, money and health on this nonsense, that’s one thing, but children and more, disabled children are being subjected to this.    But, hey, if it takes the crimes found proved in the charges above to put a stop to this, good on you Department of Justice.

By Matt Carey

16 Responses to “Daniel Smith, proprietor of an MMS company, convicted”

  1. charliegordon89 June 4, 2015 at 04:55 #

    You left out the part where Jim Humble openly claims to be a billion year old god from the Andromeda galaxy who has the ability to move solar systems.

    • Sullivan (Matt Carey) June 4, 2015 at 23:54 #

      I tried to find the source for that. Do you by chance have a link to the billion year old god claim?

  2. shay June 4, 2015 at 19:11 #

    I think what Smith/Rivera/Humble’s supporters are failing to grasp is that it is perfectly legal to sell industrial bleach. It’s just not legal to sell it as a medical treatment.

  3. Narad June 7, 2015 at 19:46 #

    Interstate commerce, victimless crimes? Where is the victim? There is no common law. There is no constitution.

    Commerce Clause on line 2.

    • Joshua August 21, 2015 at 05:10 #

      Well put Narad to the heart of the matter! Where are the VICTIMS???
      NO WHERE to be found??? LOL! 100,000’s of PEOPLE die every year due to PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, et the DOJ & FDA could care less, Truly DISGRACEFUL

      The Uganda Red Cross CURED every person of Malaria with the Sodium Chlorite /citric acid = Chlorine Dioxide Mixture in a day or two!!!!! Do you know how TOXIC Malaria Pharmaceutical Drugs are????…..
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwZN1cPfX8 Here’s Proof

      Kerri Rivera with AutismONE has CURED well over 148 kids of their Autism Spectrum Diagnosis & helped countless 1,000’s around the world. So, tell me….how did the DOJ misplace these FACTS during their investigation. (How do you miss 148 kids CURED?)The DOJ could have called the Parents of these kids and the kids Pediatricians….looked at the charts and came to the conclusion: Hey this MMS stuff really WORKS!!!!! BUT, that would actually require a bit of unbiased investigation, which we know is impossible for these 2 Cartels.

      Kerri Rivera is so far out of the DOJ & FDA’s league, there’s no contest. This woman actually CARES for HUMANITY unlike these politically correct paid shill assassins. Here’s an AutismONE seminar…fast forward to the end if you don’t want to LEARN anything & listen to this little 10 year old girl at the end that HAD AUTISM, but no more due to KERRI RIVERA…..THE FDA & DOJ wants to shut this woman down as well & if it was left up to MODERN Medicine this young lady would have Autism for the rest of her LIFE??? So, you tell me what’s wrong with that picture, eh SPARKY’s???

      Sadly, the FACT of the matter is….BOTH FEDERAL Regulators, the DOJ & the FDA are Simply CORRUPT PAID SHILLS that have LOST their way & VIOLATED their MANDATES!!! Instead of serving the interest of the PEOPLE, they’ve sold their SOULS to Industry and proclaimed it as their MASTER!!!……WORTHLESS PIECES OF SHITE that society as a whole has no use for any longer!!!! Such a waste of LIFE & Purpose! DISGRACEFUL!!

      • Sullivan (Matt Carey) August 21, 2015 at 06:20 #

        You really believe the Red Cross lie? Check up in this discussion. It’s a fake.

        She has “CURED” 48 kids of autism? If she had proof of that she wouldn’t have had to enter into an agreement with the state of Illinois. She couldn’t substantiate her claims so she agreed to not promote her fake cures in Illinois any more.

        If she cared about humanity, she wouldn’t sell an abusive “treatment” for use on disabled children.

        Seriously, understand the BS you are pushing. YOU are helping to promote the abuse of disabled children. By promoting nonsense.

      • Roger Kulp August 21, 2015 at 19:07 #

        Kerri Rivera ✔
        Pharma shill gambit ✔
        Toxins ✔
        BigPharma ® profiteering ✔
        Investigators are biased/bought ✔
        BigPharma ® keeping “cures” from the public ✔
        AutismOne ✔
        Kids “cured” by biomed ✔
        CAPSLOCK ✔

        Ah yes,one of those magical posts that can fill out an antivax bingo card all at once.

        Joshua here needs to go back and learn some basic chemistry,so he can know the difference between Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Citrate.The latter being what you get when you mix salt and Citric Acid.Sodium Citrate is often used as a food additive to provide tartness to sodas,jams,ice cream,cheeses,and such.

        Hyponatremia,or acute sodium depletion,is usually one of the side effects of malaria.

        Autism,and related conditions,cause so much suffering to so many children,and adults,there is no way that once effective treatment is found,that mainstream researchers are going to back away from it,or cover it up.Doctors and researchers really want to help families.They are not the cackling,evil villains antivaxers like Kelly Rivera and Jim Humble claim they are.

        BTW,Sullivan,a few of my comments from the last week or so have not been showing up.This could be happening to others as well.

  4. Alexis Kelly September 11, 2015 at 15:16 #

    You clearly do not know what you are talking about one bit! MMS us perfectly safe and an incredibly effective medicine. That is why the government are trying to take it away from people so they will be less able to treat themselves and therefore more sick.

    Daniel Smith has di e nothing wrong and is a very poor innocent victim of evil institutions who want nothing but to inflict suffering and misery on billions.

    I say it again, you have got thus SO wrong!

    • Sullivan (Matt Carey) September 11, 2015 at 15:28 #

      Show me the safety and efficacy data you use to claim that MMS is safe and “incredibly effective”

      Data, not anecdotes.

      You have none.

      Show me a good explanation of why it should work. Not the b.s. that any freshman should be able to see through, but an actual explanation of the mechanism by which it works.

      You can’t.

      Then explain why some guy should be making “medicine” in what amounts to a garage with zero oversight. Explain why he should be allowed to lie in order to illegally import his materials. And explain what you would do if a big pharmaceutical company were to act in the same manner.

      Then explain why you come to a disability focused website to defend these criminal practices. Explain why you add support to the abuse of disabled children through this fake autism treatment. Take a look at the pictures of the intestinal linings passed by these children and tell me this is a waste treatment. Listen to the proponents lie about how these linings are worms and tell me that they know what they are talking about.

      • john perdu December 31, 2015 at 14:47 #

        Show us the same evidence for chemotherapy!!. I have personally used MMS and it cured me of my cancer, you won’t find one person alive who will say chemo cured them. So I sincerely hope you get cancer then we will see which product you choose to heal yourself with. Humble pie really isn’t going to taste very nice. There again MMs doesn’t taste all that nice but it works and only costs pennies. Plus 2 of the chemo ingredients are classified carcogens by the FDA as is radiation treatment, so what are you waffeling on about. Stop condemning people to the hell of chemotherapy and radiation when you know it does nothing but increase the savagery of the cancer as it returns stronger than ever, as it has been proven many times. I will be surprised if this post appears, so I will printscreen it. Oh and BTW I really hope you enjoy your chemotherapy treatment they say its hell on earth, but what the hell you deserve it.

      • Sullivan (Matt Carey) January 1, 2016 at 20:01 #

        “Show us the same evidence for chemotherapy”

        If you are too lazy or incompetent to do this for yourself go away.

        If you have personally used MMS, you are a fool. It’s a scam. Plain and simple.

        “. So I sincerely hope you get cancer ”

        Three strikes. You’re out. Goodbye.

    • Sullivan (Matt Carey) September 11, 2015 at 15:28 #

      Which is all to say, You have got this SO Wrong!

    • novalox September 12, 2015 at 13:50 #


      So, do you have actual evidence for your assertions? Because your beliefs go against basic tenets of biology and chemistry, things that elementary school children would have learned

      • Victor December 31, 2015 at 17:13 #


        You write:

        “So I sincerely hope you get cancer then we will see which product you choose to heal yourself with. Humble pie really isn’t going to taste very nice. There again MMs doesn’t taste all that nice but it works and only costs pennies. Plus 2 of the chemo ingredients are classified carcogens by the FDA as is radiation treatment, so what are you waffeling on about. Stop condemning people to the hell of chemotherapy and radiation when you know it does nothing but increase the savagery of the cancer as it returns stronger than ever, as it has been proven many times. I will be surprised if this post appears, so I will printscreen it. Oh and BTW I really hope you enjoy your chemotherapy treatment they say its hell on earth, but what the hell you deserve it.”

        What a wonderful person you are! Not many people have the compassion and pure Christian love to wish cancer on someone else, but I see you do. Your parents must be very proud. By the way, I had to laugh at the idea that Sullivan would delete your diatribe. Why would he? Your spittle-flecked rant is the perfect representation of the MMS-supporter – a sad little man with no evidence to show, and only hate to spew. Whenever I run into another of your Klan, I’ll ask him if he too wishes cancer on those he disagrees with. I wish you a long long life, so you have plenty of time to regret your evil and attempt to make up for it. Good luck.


  1. What I’ve been reading — June 2015 | ASD Dad - June 29, 2015

    […] Daniel Smith, proprietor of an MMS company, convicted ” If this weren’t being used on disabled children, I would consider hiding behind a church ( a fake church in my opinion) as being reprehensible. But that act pales in comparison to the harm caused to individuals.” Read more […]

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