Protesting Kerri Rivera and Chlorine Dioxide Abuse

26 Jun

You always hear from groups promoting false cures “listen to the parents”. Well parents, like me, see MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide) as abusive. There is no evidence that it works. There is no good explanation for why it should work as a therapy. And there is the chance of adverse reactions.

No benefit and a risk. Risk/reward ratio is 0.

The Skeptical Beard

Guest Post by Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD

This past Saturday, a small group gathered outside the Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel to protest the presentation by Kerri Rivera at the AutismOne conference. Kerri Rivera promotes the use of chlorine dioxide, or CD, an industrial bleaching agent, for bleach enemas to “cure” children with autism. Here, I am sharing stories from three of the protesters. (If you haven’t read about this issue before, please see the end of the article to learn about CD, Kerri Rivera and why we were protesting her presentation at AutismOne.)

Rebecca F is a mom to two boys, one with autism. She joined to promote awareness and respect for her son and all those with autism. She wanted the opportunity to talk directly to parents because so many people try to exploit special needs parents, both financially and emotionally.

Kim Z is a mom who participated…

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One Response to “Protesting Kerri Rivera and Chlorine Dioxide Abuse”

  1. jonathan June 26, 2015 at 23:25 #

    I vote for a real cure

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