
10 Apr

_An open letter to Generation Rescue, NAA, SafeMinds, ASA, A-CHAMP, DAN et al._

I’ve had enough.

If I might be permitted to make a few assumptions I believe its accurate to say that _we’ve_ had enough. Who are we?

We’re parents like you. However, unlike you, the self-styled ‘autism community’, we are also autistic people. We are also scientists. We are also professionals working in the field of autism. We represent groups of people that you never can and never will. We are fundamentally different in attitude from you and _we have had enough._

Enough of the lies. Enough of the misrepresentation. Enough of this media circus you are turning autism into.

_You lie._ When the NAA published its scurrilous attack on Paul Shattuck it revealed the depth of its desperation. By wilfully and deliberately *lying* about the ‘Merck’ connection, you revealed yourselves as people willing to do anything and everything to blacken the name of those who simply disagree with you.

When you allege conflicts of interest that amount to absolutely nothing – _and when they know this to be the case_ – then you again reveal yourselves as tawdry and grubby dirt diggers, desperate to besmirch people. The irony of your president having an established and non impartial financial connection to David Kirby and your chairperson having been in the pay of lawyers litigating the thiomersal connection is immense. It boggles both the mind and any ordinary persons sense of common decency. At the absolute least you owe Paul Shattuck an apology.

_You mislead_ . When Generation Rescue _continue_ to state baldly that autism and mercury poisoning are interchangeable – that one is the other and that is all that autism is, it is obvious that that organisation is comprised of absolutist zealots who care nothing for reality, science or truth – all of which are concepts that stand in direct opposition to your beliefs. When you ignore the reality that there is likely to have been _no epidemic of autism_ and yet you continue to use falsely inflated statistics like a 6000% increase in autism _and when *you know* this increase is down to better diagnosis, widening criteria and the fact that its only in the last 15 years or so that autism has been counted separately to other developmental ‘disorders’_ then you move beyond the bounds of simply misleading, you move beyond the bounds of simple innocent ignorance and enter the area of wilful, deliberate manipulation.

When you resort to buying and placing adverts that _you know_ are misleading and with which _you know_ the people you cite do not agree, when you resort to employing the services of media manipulators like Fenton Communications to dress up your spin for you then you have left simple campaigning behind and entered the realm of deliberately misleading, exaggerating and falsifying.

When Generation Rescue employ the services of men like John Best Junior to enter the homes of families then you know something is badly awry with the morals and ethics behind this organisation. These are the words of a Generation Rescue Rescue Angel:

Some “brilliant” goofball coined the term “Homophobia” in a pathetic attempt to bring some small measure of respectability to a perversion. Fortunately for me, I grew up in an era when people were not subjected to public acceptance of sexual perversion. I never “stomped” a queer and I don’t approve of that behavior. I also don’t want to have to hear about this nonsense portrayed as anything near normalcy.

The scientists you quote range from respectable to quacks. You misrepresent the nature of the respectable science and hype the quacks as credible scientists. When your science is conducted by men censured by government and peers (the Geiers) or is conducted by men who behave very curiously such as pre-registering patents that back up future research, source subjects for studies that are undergoing litigation or allegedly financially benefit from these associations (Wakefield) or who refer to autistic children as ‘mad’ (Boyd Haley) or ‘train wrecks’ (Rick Rollens/MIND) or who attempt to make their science relevant _to autism_ where it is clearly not (Hornig, Burbacher, Deth, Bernard) then you have a serious credibility problem.

But none of this – none of it – would matter at all, except for one thing (or several things). You call yourselves the ‘autism community’. You present your manipulations as fact. You fail to understand the good science and twist the bad science to fit your agenda. You rely on people such as David Kirby – a man who is demonstrably dishonest and a man like RFK Jr who invents conspiracies where none exist. These are the people who shape your policy and guide your information – David Kirby, Dom Imus, RFK Jr, Dan Olmsted. Journalists, chat show hosts and a wannabe politico.

Enough is enough. I’ve had it. Up until now, we’ve contented ourselves with correcting your ignorance and dishonesty in blogs, forums and chat rooms. Now we will be finding ways to extend ourselves. Wherever you are quoted, we will follow up. We will make sure that people know the sort of spin you employ, the sort of manipulation you attempt and the sort of people who are aligned to your cause. Because of you, vaccine uptake is dropping. Because of this, epidemics are breaking and people are dying. Because of you the field of autism research is being turned, into the words of Lisa Randall, into a ‘a vipers nest’ where scientists are more and more loth to get involved. Who can blame them when the sort of shameful behaviour in evidence on the Evidence of Harm email list comes to the fore? Parents hassling and abusing people like Paul Shattuck, despite his clear request for them to cease and desist. Parents making alleged threats of property violence against Paul Offit.

Because of you, the field of autism research is in extreme danger of sinking into a dark age. The gains that autistic people themselves have fought for over the last few years are slipping away into a _real_ abyss of ignorance and stigma. This must be stopped. _You_ have to be stopped.

This is about dignity. Its about respect. You have none and you are in the process of taking ours away. We will fight for it. For ourselves, for our children, for our siblings, for the good of diversity and to attack stagnation we will fight.

Get ready.

110 Responses to “Enough”

  1. Kevin Champagne April 16, 2006 at 05:22 #

    You’re right David and I am wrong. I should have read further down the page on the dictionary.com defintion of science. I guess my child really isn’t being cured and maybe I have been just lining the doctor’s pockets.

    I stopped chelating my son as of Saturday and I am trying to mathematically figure out through all of my son’s test results, just how many toxic heavy metals he has excreted and I am going to demand that Dr. Buttar put them back in immediately or I will file a law suit!

    With the money I save from this, or win from a suit, I can start saving for the life long care that my son will now definately need.

    Thank you David for showing me the light! – Thank you! – Thank you! – Thank you!

    What was I thinking?

  2. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) April 16, 2006 at 07:58 #

    Someone shows you that you’re wrong and what do you do, KC? You go all silly on them.

    “I can start saving for the life long care that my son will now definately need.”

    You might well do better to support the lad educationally instead…

    And you could do with learning some manners yourself.

  3. clone3g April 16, 2006 at 16:00 #

    KC: I stopped chelating my son as of Saturday and I am trying to mathematically figure out through all of my son’s test results, just how many toxic heavy metals he has excreted

    Why don’t you do that Kevin Champagne. Add them all up and tell us if the sum is greater than vaccine content, for mercury at least. You’ll need to find another source for the other metals DDI reported.

    Of course you are missing a few vital bits of information necessary to calculate or extrapolate total metal excretion but maybe you can take a stab at it. How many micrograms of Hg does your son excrete in his urine each day? What about stool Hg levels?

  4. Kevin Champagne April 17, 2006 at 01:09 #

    David, you showed me that I was wrong? You showed me there are additional defintions for science, you did not prove me wrong and you can’t. Why? Because between you and I , I am the only one with ANY experience with chelation. I have all the scientific proof I need running around right here in my living room. Well actually he’s walking across the kitchen table right now, Damn Easter candy!

    I need to learn some manners? That means a lot coming from you.

    Clone, I am not going to get into those numbers here and you know that they are not measured daily.

    I am also going to attach to that lawsuit that I want my son’s 2 year long diarrhea back and the dark circles around his eyes or there will be hell to pay.

  5. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) April 17, 2006 at 06:07 #

    KC: “I have all the scientific proof I need running around right here in my living room.”

    No you don’t. Unless you have conducted the whole thing scientifically you have anecdotes only.

    Not science!

    You can’t handle that, can you?

  6. Kevin Champagne April 17, 2006 at 22:44 #

    You calling my kid an anecdote? He’s not an anecdote, but rather a part of scientific evidence that chelation works. Scientific evidence that his diagnosis of autism is slowly being reversed with TD-DMPS.

    That’s way more science then conventional medicine or mainstream science has to offer when it comes to autism or most degenerative diseases. The science you trumpet is a thing of the past and has fallen flat on it’s face when it comes to autism. The only scientific studies that come out of conventional medicine/mainstream science are what autism is not. They have nothing to offer.

    I’m handling it just fine, you seem to be the one with the problem of handling it.

  7. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) April 18, 2006 at 02:31 #

    KC, you’re a self-deluded man… pitiful to see, really. “Scientific evidence that his diagnosis of autism is slowly being reversed with TD-DMPS.” Oh really? Show me. Show me the observation schedules. Show me scientific studies bearing up these results.

    You have no science and you are not handling it well at all. If you were, you wouldn’t have to come here trying to convince us…

  8. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) April 18, 2006 at 02:51 #

    Me… “You have no science and you are not handling it well at all. If you were, you wouldn’t have to come here trying to convince us…” At least, you’d be armed with more than a few anecdotes with nothing scientific to back it all up with (which is all you present!).

  9. Kevin Champagne April 18, 2006 at 03:54 #

    DA said,

    “you’re a deluded man… pitiful… ” show me “, “show me “, ” show me! ”
    “shove it up your arse “

    You’re always so cool and you come across as someone that’s so level headed.

    So if I am reading you right, if I reply to you anymore in this thread, it’s makes me appear ( in your opinion) desparate?

    Sounds like a challenge. Who will get the last word here?

  10. David N. Andrews BA-status, PgCertSpEd (pending) April 18, 2006 at 15:21 #

    You haven’t come up with evidence yet.

    You expect me to believe your claims when you rely on – what? Anecdotes which cannot be interrogated? Come on, you gotta have better than that, Kevin!!!!!

    You talk to *me* about “science”, and you can’t come up with anything published in a reputable journal, showing replicated experiments or other studies with confirmed results?

    I’m not at all desperate, man! You seem to be though… clutching at straws is the name for the approach you’re using.


    Very soon, I shall actually be starting on a research project involving *real* science. Proper science. With a clear, describable methodology, and proper analysis of the data and interpretation of results. And it will be a replicable study.

    Like I say, real science.

    Anecdotes with no systematic inquiry do not come up to this level. Like it or leave it, Kevin.

    Your choice.

    But don’t start getting on at me because your “science” isn’t good enough to convince me. That is definitely *your* problem.

    Keep it that way.

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