Supreme Court decides Bruesewitz v. Wyeth

22 Feb

As Ken has recently written, the Supreme Court has decided on the case of Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. This is not an autism case, but involves the rights to sue a vaccine manufacturer for design defect claims outside of the court system set up 25 years ago in the Vaccine Act.

Justice Scalia wrote the decision, with Justice Breyer submitting a concurring statement and Justice Sotomayor writing the dissent. It was a 6-2 decision, with Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg dissenting and Justice Kagan not participating.

The parents had already brought their case to the Court of Federal Claims (“vaccine court”), which ruled against them. They did not accept the ruling and took their case to other courts. Eventually landing in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The U.S. Supreme court is an appeals court. As such, this case is an appeal of a lower court (Court of Appeals) ruling. The Supreme Court ruled:

For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs who seek compensation for injury or death caused by vaccine side effects. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed.

The Court summarized a major part of the claim as:

Their complaint alleged (as relevant here) that defective design of Lederle’s DTP vaccine caused Hannah’s disabilities, and that Lederle was subject to strict liability, and liability for negligent design, under Pennsylvania common law.

The parents had argued that they could sue under a “design defect” argument, and “strict liability“.

Design defects are defined as:

In the law of products liability, a design defect exists when a defect is inherent in the design of the product itself. In a products liability case, a plaintiff can only establish a design defect exists when he proves there is hypothetical alternative design that would be safer that the original design, as economically feasible as the original design, and as practical as the original design, retaining the primary purpose behind the original design despite the changes made.

Strict liability” “…applies when a defective product for which an appropriate defendant holds responsibility causes injury to an appropriate plaintiff.”

They claimed that the manufacturer of the vaccine can be sued because a safer vaccine could have been produced and avoided the injury.

Note that in this SCOTUS case, they aren’t arguing the facts of the case–whether the vaccine caused injury–just whether they had the right to sue in a civil court based on the “design defect” claim. SCOTUS did not rule one way or another on the injury claim that was rejected by the Court of Federal Claims.

As to the liability issue, Federal law states:

“[n]o vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side-effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”

Much language is spent on the meaning of the “if” clause and the “even-though” clause. Many words to discuss a short paragraph. One which I thought was quite clear. But I’m not an attorney.

In the Court’s discussion is this paragraph:

Design defects do not merit a single mention in the Act or in Food and Drug Administration regulations that pervasively regulate the drug manufacturing process. This lack of guidance for design defects, combined with the extensive guidance for the two liability grounds specifically mentioned in the Act, strongly suggests that design defects were not mentioned because they are not a basis for liability. The Act’s mandates lead to the same conclusion. It provides for federal agency improvement of vaccine design and for federally prescribed compensation,which are other means for achieving the two beneficial effects of design-defect torts—prompting the development of improved designs, and providing compensation for inflicted injuries.

Design defects are just not part of the equation in the Vaccine Act, and the Court decided that this is because the lawmakers intended it that way.

Does this mean that Americans have no recourse in vaccine injury claims? The claim has already been made, even as I was writing this post:

According to vaccine safety advocate Louise Kuo Habakus, “The Court is telling parents that they’re on their own. Parents know that 4 out of 5 cases of vaccine injury do not get compensation in the misnamed Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The Supreme Court has slammed the courthouse doors shut.”

“Parents know that 4 out of 5 cases of vaccine injury do not get compensation in the misnamed Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.”

What a statement. I’ve never heard this statistic before. I guess I’m not a “parent” by the definitions of the self-styled “vaccine-safety” community. Or, maybe, just perhaps…the statistic is made up or manipulated and this is the time to try to get it into the national discussion.

Are the courthouse doors shut? Hardly. There is the Court of Federal Claims, which does compensate people by allowing Americans to petition the U.S. government directly. That is no small issue, by the way. Sovereign states can not be sued under normal circumstances.

Even aside from the Court of Federal Claims, is this 100% immunity from liability? I don’t believe so. Remember that phrase: “…even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings”. What if a vaccine is not properly prepared? Or if it doesn’t have proper directions and warnings?

A legal term is used throughout the decision: “unavoidably unsafe products”. I was going to predict that this term would be used to scare people about vaccines. I can’t make that prediction, because it has already started. Again from Ms. Habakus:

Because the federal government recommends 70 doses of 16 “unavoidably unsafe” vaccines, and states compel 30-45 doses for school attendance, this issue affects all children.

Keep this in mind. Not vaccinating yourself or your child is an “unavoidably unsafe” decision. Also it is an “unavoidably unsafe” decision for others.

Justice Sotomayor wrote about “unavoidably unsafe” in her dissenting opinion, citing “… comment k of §402A of the Restatement of Torts (Second) (1963–1964)”. (comment k gets discussed much by both sides).

“Unavoidably unsafe products. There are some products which, in the present state of human knowledge, are quite incapable of being made safe for their intended and ordinary use. These are especially common in the field of drugs. An outstanding example is the vaccine for the Pasteur treatment of rabies, which not uncommonly leads to very serious and damaging consequences when it is injected. Since the disease itself invariably leads to a dreadful death, both the marketing and the use of the vaccine are fully justified, notwithstanding the unavoidable high degree of risk which they involve. Such a product, properly prepared, and accompanied by proper directions and warning, is not defective, nor is it unreasonably dangerous. The same is true of many other drugs, vaccines, and the like, many of which for this very reason cannot legally be sold except to physicians, or under the prescription of a physician. It is also true in particular of many new or experimental drugs as to which, because of lack of time and opportunity for sufficient medical experience, there can be no assurance of safety, or perhaps even of purity of ingredients, but such experience as there is justifies the marketing and use of the drug notwithstanding a medically recognizable risk. The seller of such products, again with the qualification that they are properly prepared and marketed, and proper warning is given, where the situation calls for it, is not to be held to strict liability for unfortunate consequences attending their use, merely because he has undertaken to supply the public with an apparently useful and desirable product, attended with a known but apparently reasonable risk.”

This is the entire point of the informed consent, by the way. If there is no chance of adverse events, there is no need to “inform” the patient about anything. I bring this up because informed consent is supposed to be a big issue for “vaccine-safety” groups.

Justice Sotomayor accuses the majority of writing a “policy driven” decision.

25Respondent notes that there are some 5,000 petitions alleging a causal link between certain vaccines and autism spectrum disordersthat are currently pending in an omnibus proceeding in the Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court). Brief for Respondent 56–57. Accord-ing to respondent, a ruling that §22(b)(1) does not pre-empt design defect claims could unleash a “crushing wave” of tort litigation that would bankrupt vaccine manufacturers and deplete vaccine supply. Id., at 28. This concern underlies many of the policy arguments inrespondent’s brief and appears to underlie the majority and concurring opinions in this case.

Perhaps I am naive, but I agree that such statements should not weigh into the decision. If these 5,000 petitioners have the right to sue, they should have that right.

Justice Sotomayor goes on to say:

In the absence of any empirical data, however,the prospect of an onslaught of autism-related tort litigation by claimants denied relief by the Vaccine Court seems wholly speculative.

It may be speculative, but is as good a speculation as you can get. Yes, if Bruesewitz had prevailed, there would be an onslaught of autism-related tort litigation.

Further, she states:

Trial courts, moreover, have considerable experience in efficiently handling and disposing of meritless products liability claims, and decades of tort litigation (including for design defect) in the prescription-drug context have not led to shortages in prescription drugs.

Which is a very strange statement in context. Yes, some autism-vaccine cases have been halted before they started in civil courts. But the entire basis for the Vaccine Act and the Court of Federal Claims taking on the vaccine issue is the claims that DPT was causing a huge wave of disability. A claim which was later found to be meritless, as later science showed no association. The litigation which prompted the Vaccine Act did lead to shortages and was well on its way to leaving the US without vaccine providers.

This all said, in the end it isn’t whether the court is right or wrong (as will no doubt be discussed at length in some circles). For practical purposes, what matters is that the court has decided. People are not able to take vaccine manufacturers to civil court on design defect claims.

With that and the end of the Omnibus Autism Proceeding, autism-vaccine litigation is essentially over. If some real evidence were to come forward which could make autism causation by vaccination a defensible idea, sure, cases would be heard again in the vaccine court. Until that time, legally as well as scientifically, the idea has had its day and it is time to move on.

20 Responses to “Supreme Court decides Bruesewitz v. Wyeth”

  1. Narad February 23, 2011 at 00:37 #

    “The Supreme Court has slammed the courthouse doors shut.”

    Did the Bruesewitz’s ever appeal the Special Master’s decision, or just go straight for the state-court end run?

    • Sullivan February 23, 2011 at 00:56 #


      the Supreme Court decision indicates the latter:

      A Special Master denied theirclaims on various grounds, though they were awarded$126,800 in attorney’s fees and costs. The Bruesewitzes elected to reject the unfavorable judgment, and in October 2005 filed this lawsuit in Pennsylvania state court.

  2. Narad February 23, 2011 at 01:03 #

    Aha, thanks. I was wondering how they were planning to establish causation when they couldn’t do it under Vaccine Court standards, but looking at the oral argument, it appears that they were relying upon the opportunity for broader discovery and not entirely upon simply changing the trier of fact to a lay jury.

    • Sullivan February 23, 2011 at 01:11 #


      One thing they could do in a retrial of any sort is get competent expert witnesses. They relied upon Mark Geier whose report was so bad that he referred to the daughter as dead when she isn’t. Petitioners deserve better, starting with competent experts and counsel.

  3. Jonathan February 23, 2011 at 01:17 #

    Here is a good resource of information, specifically statistics, on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program:

    I don’t see how AOA came up with the 4 out of 5 number. My math shows that ~67% of the cases were dismissed, not 80%. 64% when you take out all of the OMNIBUS autism fillings.

  4. AWOL February 23, 2011 at 01:59 #

    The courts are a sham of what they were set up for..

  5. AWOL February 23, 2011 at 02:01 #

    JABS has received reports from the parents of these 30 children. Four of these children have been assessed by the Government’s Vaccine Damage Payment Unit and tribunals have awarded payments. Some of these children died from vaccine induced SSPE after being given a number of measles containing vaccines. Twelve of the children died under the age of two years and were therefore ineligible for assessment by the VDPU. There is an absurd clause which does not allow claims to be investigated until the child passes its second birthday. Just remind me Dr Flegg, when are most baby vaccines given?
    The same families could not pursue investigation through the courts because parents cannot access legal aid if the child has died. The Legal Aid Board has its own strict criteria in that there is a cost/benefit rule. As the child has died and obviously does not have any dependents and does not need a long-term care package the value of the child’s life if a claim was successful would be rated at about £7,000, it would cost more than this to take the case to court therefore the family would not be allowed to pursue a claim. What price justice?

  6. Julian Frost February 24, 2011 at 15:32 #

    Please stop posting links to It has already been pointed out to you that John Scudamore believes dolphins can levitate and that satanic ley lines burnt him on the bottom. In addition, hosts “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, a famous bit of antisemitic propaganda that was discredited as a plagiarism some 90 years ago.

  7. Visitor February 24, 2011 at 16:34 #

    With respect Sully I think you are unfair to Mark Geier. Like Marcel Kinsbourne, he is a professional witness. As the special masters have pointed out, the vaccine court is their place of work.

    When preparing expert reports on children, they rely on templates, taking the last similar child’s and editing personal details, date of immunisation and various events, but leaving the substance the same. This is because their evidence is always the same and it would put them to great inconvenience to write an expert report individually for each child.

    So it’s hardly surprising that they might inadvertently fail to alter some of these facts, and in this case report that the plaintiff was dead.

    This is a very easy mistake, and I’m sure we have all done something similar from time to time.

  8. MikeMa February 25, 2011 at 00:53 #

    The Griers, Mark and son David devised and pushed their ‘Lupron Protocol’ on autistic kids. Unproven, ineffective, costly and dangerous. Lupron triggers early puberty in children and has no proven track record for anything to do with autism.

    They (one or both) hooked up with Boyd Haley, ex-chem professor, pusher of industrial chelators some anti-vaxxers are spreading on their children’s cereal all the while complaining about toxins. Dangerous and profitable. Hallmarks of a Grier endeavor.

  9. AWOL February 25, 2011 at 00:59 #

    The morality of Pharma world a lesson to us all..

    two democratic women, Sotomayor and Ginsburg stood firm and identified the true issues in the case. Sotomayor’s blistering dissent set the stage for future public debates. Here is the preview she gave of her 28 page dissent:

    “Vaccine manufacturers have long been subject to a legal duty, rooted in basic principles of products liability law, to improve the design of their vaccines in light of advances in science and technology. Until today, that duty was enforceable through a traditional state-law tort action for defective design. In holding that section 22(b)(1) of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Vaccine Act or Act), 42 U.S.C. section 300aa-22(b)(1), preempts all design defect claims for injuries stemming from vaccines covered under the Act, the Court imposes its own bare policy preference over the considered judgment of Congress. In doing so, the Court excises 13 words from the statutory text, misconstrues the Act’s legislative history, and disturbs the careful balance Congress struck between compensating vaccine-injured children and stabilizing the childhood vaccine market. Its decision leaves a regulatory vacum in which no one ensures that vaccine manufacturers adequately take account of scientific and technological advancements when designing or distributing their products. Because nothing in the text, structure, or legislative history of the Vaccine Act remotely suggests that Congress intended such a result, (bold is mine) I dissent.”

    • Sullivan February 25, 2011 at 01:15 #


      why cut and paste directly from Kent Heckenlively’s piece? It was too clearly written to be yours, so I searched for the original writer. That’s called plagiarism. I should have just deleted the comment.

      Kent is correct, Sotomayor’s dissent will be brought up in public debates. The legal debate on this issue is over, though.

  10. AWOL February 25, 2011 at 01:45 #

    I thought that would have been pretty obvious to who wrote that,but then again I havent seen a pharma slaughter job on it yet..

    Intersting the writer goes on..

    Yes, we lost an important battle in the Supreme Court. But we also gained a valuable ally and some amazing intellectual firepower. For the first time in the history of this debate an unassailable figure in American life has stood up and said that the way the Vaccine Court is operating is wrong

    No lines have been drawn Sullivan the fight goes on, and on. One day it will happen.

    Libya never seen it coming..BP never for sure never seen it coming.It signed to invest,US $50 million in Libya 4 years ago and its parted with more than half, and a Lockerbie bomber set free..just to sweeten the deal.

    As I say Pharma cant see nothing but $$$$ ,Libya ,Egypt, didnt see anything but the US $$$

    Hail ! denial,long live denial..long live the US dollar..and Pharma shall fall..

  11. Interverbal February 25, 2011 at 04:04 #

    “The Griers, Mark and son David devised and pushed their ‘Lupron Protocol’ on autistic kids.”

    Well that… and having authored one of the most laughable statistical articles ever.

  12. stanley seigler February 25, 2011 at 05:23 #

    [AWOL say] The morality of Pharma world a lesson to us all…two democratic women, Sotomayor and Ginsburg stood firm and identified the true issues in the case…

    full disclosure: i do not believe VAXs cause (may trigger) autism…but SCOTUS is wrong again…

    in SCOTUS’ crusade to give their free market, ideologue, corporate friends, control of USA…they put another another nail in the people’s coffin…this is as outrageous as their giving personhood to corporations…alolowing them to buy elections.

    [Sullivan say] The legal debate on this issue is over, though.

    as it should be in other areas…but wouldn’t bet on it…legs could write laws to deny corps personhood and big pharma protection from civil suits…

    stanley seigler


  1. Tweets that mention Autism Blog - Supreme Court decides Bruesewitz v. Wyeth « Left Brain/Right Brain -- - February 23, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kev, Alltop Autism. Alltop Autism said: Supreme Court decides Bruesewitz v. Wyeth […]

  2. Supreme Court rules to maintain National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 6-2 « Skepacabra - February 23, 2011

    […] So who dissented? Shockingly, Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg with Kagan abstaining. Which only makes me want to scream, WHAT THE FUCK?! It is truly a dark day when I’m forced to side with guys like Justices Scalia and Thomas over the more liberal Justices. Sullivan summarizes what this ruling means over at Left Brain/Right Brain here. […]

  3. Can Parents Still Sue Vaccine Manufacturers? – VAXOPEDIA - May 28, 2018

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  4. The Vaccine Guide: Cherry picked studies and deceptive highlighting in the service of antivaccine pseudoscience – Science-Based Medicine - August 19, 2019

    […] Snyder wrote about this for us on SBM when the ruling was originally made, and you can find more here and here and here. Basically, the case was about whether a section of the “NCVIA preempts all […]

  5. Vaccine Guide: A "guide" to cherry picked antivaccine pseudoscience - RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE - August 26, 2019

    […] John Snyder wrote about this on SBM when the ruling was originally made, and you can find more here and here and here. Basically, the case was about whether a section of the “NCVIA preempts all […]

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